Student Code of Conduct

一般 Provisions

皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce has established standards of conduct to create and foster an environment that facilitates student learning and development. Students and university student groups are to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect for the rights and property of others and is consistent with the educational goals and mission of the university. This Code of Student Conduct (“Code”) focuses on personal responsibility and accountability for 学生' actions and the impact those actions may have on the greater community.

Violations of the Code

The following university conduct standards are listed to provide 学生 with a general notice of prohibited behaviors. Read these rules broadly, as they are not an exhaustive list of prohibited conduct.

听力 & Resolution Procedures

When Code violations are alleged, 学生 or student groups are subject to university disciplinary action. To resolve the referral received, the Office of 学生的权利 & 责任 follows designated procedures.

Findings/Sanctions/Interim Actions

A student is given a “Finding” (or outcome) to resolve the alleged violation(s) of the Code. Once a decision is reached, sanctions can be imposed at the hearing body’s discretion. In some instances, interim actions are taken to protect the community.

Appeal Procedures

A student who receives a sanction of “conduct probation” or higher may request an appeal of the decision of the hearing officer or hearing board. Under these circumstances, the university appeals board shall hear initial appeals from hearing officers and the hearing board. Cases resulting in a sanction of “conduct review” or lower are considered final (except for cases involving sexual misconduct allegations).

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords 学生 certain rights regarding their respective education records. 在本质上, these rights are (1) the right to inspect and review education records, (2) the opportunity to challenge the contents of education records, and (3) the right to exercise some control over the disclosure of information from education records.

For non-academic records, considered education records, a student may complete the FERPA Release of Information Form to either obtain a copy of their student conduct file(s) or to give the Assistant Dean of Students or Director of 学生的权利 & 责任 permission to disclose the information contained in the student's record to a designated person or entity.

All conduct records are maintained pursuant to The 皇冠体育365赌博&M University System Records Retention Schedule. Records of cases that result in expulsion and those that fall within the scope of Civil Rights of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (“Civil Rights”) are maintained for seven years.


皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce provides non-discriminatory working, learning and living environments for all members of the university community. A&M-Commerce provides equal opportunity to all employees, 学生, applicants for employment or admission, and the public regardless of race, color, sex (including pregnancy and related conditions), 宗教, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information, 资深地位, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity. A&M-Commerce will promptly, thoroughly and fairly investigate all complaints of discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), and related retaliation based on a protected class in accordance with 皇冠体育365赌博&M University System (TAMUS) Policy 08.01.01 Civil Rights Compliance, A&M-Commerce rules and/or procedures and applicable federal and state laws.

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